Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Blog #1!

So I told myself that I would never blog, but I'm blogging. You would think I would learn by now to never say never, but no. Not yet. So here I am. And that's that.
I titled my blog "authenticity" not because I want to get on a soapbox about how we need to all be more authentic, but because it's a journey I am personally going on and one that I actually want to share. I once heard, "Who you are in the dark alone with no one around is who you really are." And if I could remember who said it I would give them credit, because it has stuck with me for years and is changing the very heartbeat of the way I live my life. We have been groomed to smile, perform, serve, tolerate and mind our business, no matter what is almost exploding from within... Who we really are. And where we really are in life. And I want to be me. Regardless. Just me. Because how can God use me if I haven't gotten to that place. That place where you look in the mirror, you really face yourself, and you still want to keep going. That raw place where you're lying on the floor in all your weakness broken before a loving and all-knowing God, and knowing that there's nothing He wouldn't do to still be with you.
Authenticity-- May that be my starting place.

1 comment:

  1. Learning to be authentic can be a challenge. The grooming process makes it a much more challenging thing to do when it should be one of the simplest things. It is a raw place to realize that regardless He still wants to be with you.
